One serration is omitted on the drive end
D. Place installer J 6270-7 on top of the
of each blower rotor shaft and a corre-
bearing and tap the bearing straight
sponding serration is omitted in each
on the shaft and into the rear end
gear. Assemble the gears on the rotor
plate as shown in Figure 11D-18 on
shafts with the serrations in alignment.
p a g e 11D-13.
A . Place the blower housing and rotor
E. Install the second ball bearing on the
remaining r o t o r s h a f t i n t h e s a m e
assembly on the bench with the air in-
let side of the housing facing up and
the rear end (serrated end of the ro-
tor shafts) of the blower facing the
F. Place the bearing retainers on top of
outside of the bench.
the bearing and end plate. Then in-
stall the retainer bolts and lock wash-
B . Rotate the rotors to bring the omitted
serrations on the shafts in alignment
and facing the top of the blower hous-
6. Make a preliminary check of the
rotor-to-end plate and rotor-to-housing
clearances at this time with a feeler
gauge as shown in Figure 11D-23 on
C . Install the same number and thickness
of shims on the rotor shafts that were
p a g e 1 1 D - 1 6 . Refer to Figure 11D-21 on
r e m o v e d at the time of disassembly.
7. Install the blower rotor timing gears
as follows:
When rebuilding a blower with new
rotors or new gears, first install
the gears on the rotor shafts with-
Then check the
out the shims.
clearances between the rotors to
determine the location and thick-
ness of shims to be used (see
Figure 11D-22 on page 11D-16).
D. L u b r i c a t e t h e s e r r a t i o n s o f t h e r o t o r
shafts with engine oil.
E. P l a c e t h e t e e t h o f t h e r o t o r g e a r s i n
mesh so that the omitted serrations
inside the gears are in alignment and
facing the same direction as the ser-
rations on the shafts.
A center punch mark placed in the
end of each rotor shaft at the omit-
ted serrations will assist in align-
ing the gears on the shafts.
F. Start both rotor gears straight on the
rotor shafts with the right hand helix
gear on the right hand helix rotor
and the left hand helix gear on the
left hand helix rotor, and the omitted
serrations in the gears in line with
the omitted serrations on the rotor
Air Intake System