hub. If necessary, rotate the blower ro-
2. Attach the water pump to the blower
tors slightly to align the splines of the
as outlined under "Install Water Pump" in
drive shaft with those in gear hub (20).
S u b s e c t i o n 11F.
Then install the lock ring in the blower
drive cam.
3. Attach the governor weight housing to
the blower as outlined under "Install
8. Install the flywheel housing small hole
Governor" in Subsection 11C.
4. Attach blower drive shaft cover (33)
9. Connect the water pump outlet pack-
to blower rear end plate cover (29) with
ing flange to the cylinder block. Also,
cover seal (37) and seal clamp (114) as
tighten the seal clamp connecting the wa-
t e r pump over to the oil cooler housing.
10. Place the blower air shutdown hous-
Attach Blower to Engine
ing, together with the strike plate gas-
ket, s t r i k e p l a t e ( i f u s e d ) a n d s c r e e n
and gasket assembly against the blower,
attach the blower assembly to the engine
the screen side of the gasket assembly
as follows:
toward the blower and secure them in
place with
Before attaching the blower assembly to
Tighten the bolts to 16-20 lb-ft (22-27
the engine, check the inside of the blow-
er for any foreign material and revolve
the rotors by hand to be sure they turn
assembly as outlined under "Install Gov-
ernor" in Subsection 11C.
1. Affix a new blower to block gasket to
the cylinder block with Scotch Grip Rub-
12. Connect the fuel lines to the fuel
ber Adhesive No. 4300, or equivalent, to
prevent the gasket from shifting when
placing the blower against the block.
13. Slide the turbocharger hose into po-
2. PIace a new drive shaft cover seal
sition on the air inlet housing and turbo-
(37) and seal clamp (114) over the end of
drive shaft cover (33).
a n d secure it in place with hose clamps.
3. Place the water pump outlet packing
flange, flat face toward pump body, and
fresh water plus rust inhibitor (or suffi-
slide a new packing ring over the pump
Then place a new water pump
freeze) and check the system for leaks.
cover seal and clamp on top of the oil
cooler housing outlet opening.
4. Place the blower assembly into posi-
tion against the cylinder block, being
to dislodge the blower
The turbocharger
page 11D-18 and Figure 11D-25 on page
5. Install the eight blower to cylinder
1 1 D - 1 8 ) is designed to increase the over-
block bolts and plain washers, and tight-
all efficiency of the engine.
Power to
en the bolts to 55-60 lb-ft (75-81 Nm)
drive the turbocharger is extracted from
the waste energy in the engine exhaust
6. Slide blower drive shaft cover seal
(37) i n t o p o s i t i o n a g a i n s t t h e b l o w e r
The turbocharger consists of a radial in-
drive gear hub support and tighten the
ward flow turbine wheel and shaft, a
s e a l clamp.
ter housing which serves to support the
7. Install blower drive shaft (38) by
rotating assembly, b e a r i n g s , s e a l s , a
pushing the plain end, without squared
hole, o r t h e s h a f t t h r o u g h t h e b l o w e r
i n g . T h e center housing has connections
drive coupling from the rear of the en-
for oil inlet and oil outlet fittings.
gine, t h e n i n t o t h e b l o w e r d r i v e g e a r
A i r Intake System