Figure 11D-30. T u r b o c h a r g e r D e t a i l s
Soak all parts in a non-caustic cleaning
solvent for about 25 minutes.
soaking, use a stiff bristle brush and
Tap the backplate lightly to re-
remove all dirt particles. Dry all of the
move it from the center housing
parts thoroughly.
8. Remove a n d d i s c a r d s e a l r i n g ( 1 5 )
from the groove in the center housing.
Never use a caustic cleaning sol-
u t i o n for cleaning as this will dam-
9. Remove thrust spacer (16) and piston
cleaning solution in an open or well
assembly. discard the piston ring(s).
Avoid breathing
ventilated area.
Keep away from open
10. Remove thrust collar (18), inboard
t h e fumes.
flames. Do not use a wire brush
thrust washer (19), bearing (20), bear-
or steel blade scraper to clean
ing washer (21) and snap ring (22) from
Discard the thrust
the center housing.
washer, bearing, washer and snap ring.
Make sure that both wheel blades are
11. Remove snap ring (23), bearing
Deposits left on the
thoroughly clean.
(24), bearing washer (25) and snap ring
blades will affect the balance of the ro-
(26) from the opposite end of the center
tating assembly.
housing. Discard the snap rings, bear-
ing and washers.
Clean all of the internal cavities and oil
passages in the center housing thorough-
ly with dry compressed air.
C l e a n the oil passage in the center hous-
Before cleaning, i n s p e c t t h e p a r t s f o r
ing thrust plate with dry compressed
s i g n s o f b u r n i n g , rubbing or other dam-
age which might not be evident after cle-