surface should be completely free of oil
streaks after the test.
Exercise care when removing the
housing a n d t u r b i n e
1 3 . If leakage is detected, and oil is pos-
itively not entering through the intake
housing to prevent damage to the
duct, then the turbocharger may be re-
moved from the engine and inspected for
damaged components.
2 . Loosen " V " b a n d c o u p l i n g ( 2 8 ) s e c u r -
ing turbine housing (6) to center hous-
Remove Turbocharger
ing (27).
Remove the turbine housing
from the center housing.
1. Disconnect
adaptor attached to the turbine housing.
2. Disconnect the air inlet hose attached
Tap the housing with a soft ham-
to the compressor housing.
mer if force is needed for removal.
3. Remove the oil inlet line from the top
of the center housing.
3. Position turbine wheel (9) of the cen-
ter housing assembly in a suitable hold-
4. Remove the oil outlet line from the
bottom of the center housing.
Remove wheel nut (7) from the
5 . A t t a c h a c h a i n hoist and a suitable
l i f t i n g s l i n g t o t h e turbocharger assem-
holding fixture is
6. Remove the nuts and lock washers se-
available, c l a m p a s u i t a b l e s o c k e t
curing the turbocharger assembly to the
or box end wrench in a vise and
mounting bracket.
Then lift the turbo-
place the extended hub on the
charger assembly away from the engine
shaft in the socket or wrench.
and place it on a bench.
Hold the center housing upright
and remove the wheel nut from the
7. Cover the end of each oil inlet and oil
outlet line and the air inlet and exhaust
outlet openings on the engine to prevent
the entry of foreign material.
D i s a s s e m b l e Turbocharger
T o prevent the possibility of bend-
ing the turbine wheel shaft, re-
Clean the exterior of the turbocharger
move the compressor wheel nut
with non-caustic cleaning solvent before
from the shaft with a double uni-
d i s a s s e m b l y and proceed as follows:
v e r s a l socket and tee handle.
4. Press
compressor w h e e l ( 8 ) f r o m
Mark related positions of the com-
wheel shaft assembly (9).
pressor housing, center housing
5. Withdraw wheel shaft assembly (9)
and turbine housing with a punch
or scribe prior to disassembly to
(10), which is not retained, will fall free
assure reassembly in the same rel-
w h e n the wheel shaft is removed.
ative position.
6. Remove and discard turbine piston
ring (11) from the wheel shaft.
11D-24 and loosen "V" band coupling (1)
7. Bend down the lock tabs and remove
securing compressor housing (2) to
the four bolts (12) and lock plates (13)
backplate assembly (14) and remove the
securing backplate assembly (14) to cen-
ter housing (27) and remove backplate
Air Intake System