Figure 11D-26. Schematic Air Flow Diagram
ternal oil line extending from the engine
cylinder block to the top of the center
housing. From the oil inlet in the center
housing, the oil flows through the drilled
oil passages in the housing to the shaft
bearings, t h r u s t r i n g , t h r u s t b e a r i n g
and backplate or thrust plate (see
Figure 11D-28 on page 11D-20). T h e o i l
returns by gravity to the engine oil pan
through an external oil line extending
from the bottom of the turbocharger cen-
ter housing to the cylinder block.
Before the initial engine start, when a
new or overhauled turbocharger is in-
stalled, the turbocharger must be prelu-
bricated as outlined under "Install
Failure to perform the prelubri-
procedure may result in
Inadequate air filtering and excessive
premature bearing failure due to
restrictions to air and exhaust flows will
oil lag" or lack of lubrication.
adversely affect turbocharger life and
Do not permit restriction
levels to exceed the specified limits (see
Subsection 11A).
P e r i o d i c Inspection
A periodic inspection of the turbocharger
should be made along with an engine in-
Inspect the turbocharger mountings and
available for use anytime the en-
check all of the air ducting and con-
gine is operated with the air inlet
nections for leaks.
Make the inspection
piping removed. The shield helps
with the engine running and with it
to prevent foreign objects from en-
Check for leaks at the mani-
tering the turbocharger and pre-
fold connections, the turbine inlet and
vents a serviceman from touching
the moving impeller.
The use of
this shield does not preclude any
other safety practices contained in
this manual.
A i r Intake System