TM 5-3810-206-35
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1), then separate connecting rod (3) and piston (12).
(1) Clean all parts and dry thoroughly before
(8) Remove sleeve bearing (6) from connecting
inspection or reassembly.
rod (3).
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
Note. Assure that all carbon deposits
(1) Clean all parts and dry thoroughly before
have been removed from piston and
inspection or reassembly.
ring grooves.
(2) Inspect rings for cracks, breaks, or
Note. If piston are soaked overnight
excessive wear. Axial clearance f compression rings
in water then allowed to dry
must not exceed 0.002 inch, and oil rings 0.006 inch.
thoroughly in sunlight, most of the
Insert rings in cylinder liner and check gap.
carbon can be removed with a
Compression ring gap is between 0.023 and 0.028 inch.
hardwood stick without damage to
Oil ring gape is between 0.016 and 0.028 inch.
ring grooves.
Be sure bottom of
(3) Inspect upper and lower bearing halves for
each ring groove is clean, and oil
pitting, burned, or worn condition. Replace defective
return hole is open, before new rings
bearing halves. Oil clearance should be between 0.002
are installed.
and 0.004 inch. It must not exceed 0.008 inch.
(2) Inspect pistons and rings for scoring,
(4) Measure diameter of piston. Bottom should
damage, or wear.
Determining piston ring side
not measure less than 4.494 inch. Top must measure
clearance as follows:
not less than 4.473 inches. Replace pistons that do not
(a) Top ring side clearance should measure
conform to the above measurements.
between 0.0030 and 0.0044 inch. Maximum permissible
(5) Check
is 0.007 inch.
Clearance should be between 0.0015 and 0.003 inch. It
(b) Middle ring side clearance should
must not exceed 0.008 inch.
measure between 0.0025 and 0.0039 inch.
(6) Inspect rods for twist and misalignment.
(c) Bottom, or oil control ring, side
Replace defective rods.
clearance should measure between 0.0015 and 0.0033
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(d) With new rings and cylinder sleeve, top
When installing rings on
ring gap should measure between 0.017 and 0.023
piston, be sure gaps are staggered.
inches. Middle ring gap between 0.018 and 0.024
Every other ring gap must be on
inches. Oil control ring gap between 0.0131 and 0.013
opposite side of piston.
(3) Inspect piston sleeve bearing and pin for
Caution: Lubricate piston, rod, and
wear or damage. The piston pin to piston clearance
rings before installing in cylinder
should not exceed 0.004 inch. The specified piston pin
(1) Reassemble piston and connecting rod by
to rod bearing clearance is 0.0009 to 0.0019 inches.
reversing procedures in steps (3) through (6) of a above.
Replace bearing and 'or pin when clearance exceeds
(2) Install by reversing the procedures in steps
0.004 inch. Piston pin bearing bore is 1.7009 to 1.7015
(1) and (2) of a above.
inches new.
(4) Inspect connecting rod for evidence of bend
or misalignment. If bent, rod must be replaced.
Piston and Connecting Rod (Engine Model
(5) Inspect connecting rod bearings for scoring,
damage or wear. The specified rod bearing clearance is
a. Removal and Disassembly.
between 0.0032 and 0.0061 inches.
Replace the
bearings when clearance exceeds 0.009 inch.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
Note. When reassembling pistons and
(4) Rotate crankshaft until piston is at top dead
rods, be sure the V-marks on piston
center, then remove two cotterpins (1, fig. 3-64), nut (2),
and block align when the rod part
and connecting rod cap.
number faces toward the front of
Note. When bearing halves are not to
block, and rod cylinder number faces
be replaced, keep them together with
left side of engine. At installation,
rod for reassembly in same position.
torque rod bolt nuts to 85 ft-lb. If
(5) Push up on connecting rod until piston rings
necessary tighten to next slot in nut to
are out of cylinder sleeve, then lift piston
install a new cotterpin.
and rod out of cylinder.
(1) Reassemble by reversing procedures in
(6) Repeat steps (4) and (5) above for
steps (7) and (8) of a above.
remaining pistons.
(2) Install by reversing procedures in steps (1)
(7) Remove retaining ring (10) and piston pin
through (6) in a above.