TM 5-3810-207-20/TO 36C23-3-37-12Figure 178. Right-front shock absorber and differential breather, removal and installation.Section III. CARRIER AIRBRAKE SYSTEM290. GeneralThe carrier is equipped with service brakes on all sixwheels, controlled by the airbrake system. In thisairbrake system, the brakes are set by the power ofcompressed air and set faster and more effectively thanmanual footbrakes. The air system consists of an aircompressor, valves, reservoirs, brake chambers, andconnecting hoses, tubes, and fittings. The aircompressor furnishes the compressed air needed tooperate the brakes. The compressor is a two-cylinder,engine-lubricated, watercooled, single-acting,reciprocating type located on the right-front side of theengine, and driven by a V-belt from the enginecrankshaft.291. Air Lines, Hoses, and Fittingsa.Removal.(1) Remove the screws and clampssecuring airhoses and lines to carrierframe.(2) Disconnect the air hoses and lines fromthe valves, brake chambers, and aircompressor; remove lines and hoses.Refer to the carrier airbrake systempiping diagram (fig. 179).b.Cleaning and Inspection.(1) Clean all lines and hoses with anapproved cleaning solvent.(2) Inspect the lines for dents, breaks, andwear.231
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