TM 5-3810-231-12
(1) Clean the batteries, cables, and battery
box with an approved cleaning solvent
and dry thoroughly.
(2) Clean battery terminals and cable lugs of
all corrosion and grease lightly with GAA.
(3) Inspect the batteries for cracks, leaks or
other damage.
Replace a defective
(4) Inspect the cables for frayed insulation,
broken wires, bent or broken lugs, and
other damage.
Replace or repair
damaged cables as necessary.
(5) Inspect the battery box for cracks, breaks
or other damage. Repair or replace a
damaged battery box.
90. Instrument Panel Components
a. Removal.
Remove the instrument panel
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and inspect.
Replace damaged or defective instrument panel
c. Installation.
Install the instrument panel
Figure 47. Starter brush, replacement.
91. Sending Units, Safety Switch and Pressure
with the curve of the commutator.
Hold brush in its normal position
and draw sandpaper back and forth
a. Removal. Remove sending units and switch
under brush. This will sand the
brush down to the curve of the
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(b) Install the cover band.
(1) Clean all switch units and sending units
with a cloth dampened with an approved
(c) Install the starter as illustrated on
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the switch units and sending units
for general condition and damage.
89. Batteries, Cables, and Battery Box
Replace a damaged or defective unit.
c. Installation. Install the switch units and sending
a. Test. Test the batteries with a hydrometer. If
the specific gravity reads below 1.225, recharge the
batteries. Test the batteries after recharging. A fully
92. Wiring Harness Repair
charged battery should read between 1.280 and 1.300.
Replace a battery that will not take or hold a charge.
b. Removal and Installation. Remove and install
a. Inspection. Inspect the wiring for oilsoaked,
the batteries, cables and battery box as instructed in
cracked, or frayed insulation, for 'broken wires, and for
loose or corroded connections.
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.