TM 5-3810-231-12
proper contact. See that cut-out relay is not
b. Removal. Remove the aneroid control as shown on
open. If still no voltage build up, replace
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
e. Brush Replacement.
(1) Clean the aneroid control using a cloth
dampened with an approved cleaning
(2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, and other
a. Aneroid Control Adjustment.
(3) Replace a damaged or defective aneroid
field adjusted by observing acceleration
d. Installation. Install the aneroid control as shown on
smoke density if pressure gauges are not
e. Overspeed Governor Reset.
The overspeed
(2) Turn fuel screw in 2 to 2 1/2 turns after
governor (fig. 44-B) has a reset button. Should overspeed
contact with lever.
occur the governor will stop the engine and it cannot be
started until the reset button on the end of t h e governor is
dark, back out fuel screw until smoke
pushed to reset it.
density becomes acceptable.
f. Governor Removal. Remove the overspeed
g. Cleaning and Inspection.
Do not back screw away from
(1) Clean the overspeed governor using a cloth
contact with lever. If screw is backed
dampened with an approved cleaning
be slow.