Secure stop collar when setting is correct to clear stones.
13. Do not start drill motor. Practice
stroke a few times for "feel" with stones expanded loosely in
liner and not in actual contact with walls. Down stroke hits
stop, but operator must stop stroke at top allowing stones to
extend out top of bore 1/2 inch. Stroking speed required to
produce a 35 to 45 crosshatch is approximately 50
strokes per minute.
It is very important to have a 450
crosshatch pattern to enable the piston rings to shear
or peel the sharp ridge points during break-in. If
pattern is nearly horizontal some pattern engagement
and tearing may occur. If pattern is vertical, this forms
a path for blow-by.
14. Disconnect hone and remove
Figure 3-268. Honing Liner.
15. The edges and corners of new
stones are very sharp. Take a hand hone and slightly round
all corners and edges to reduce tendency to crumble when