f Injector rocker lever sockets must be replaced, if
Of shaft (15) has stamped arrowhead, which must line
any indication of wear is detected.
with arrowhead on bracket (11) during assembly.
g Check to see that all lubricating passages are
open and unobstructed.
Levers can easily be installed in the wrong
h Remove socket if broken or worn. Press out by
position; care must be taken to install in cor-
drilling a small hole above socket. After socket is
rect position.
removed, spot weld hole closed, install and stake new
d. Slide exhaust rocker lever (10), bushing (9),
socket in hole.
injector lever (8), bushing (7), intake lever (6), and
i Blow out oil passages with compressed air.
bushing (5) onto rocker lever shaft. Slide bracket
j. Install new steel bushings, press flush with sur-
(4) onto shaft, and repeat until all levers are in
a. Dip rocker lever shaft cup plugs (16) in
14-10. Reassembly
To aid in handling, insert long cylinder head
Refer to figure 14-5.
capscrew with washer through bracket and
a. Dip rocker lever shaft cup plugs (16) in lubricat-
shaft at each end of shaft.
b. ing oil to prevent galling. Drive plugs (16) in shaft (15).
14-11. Installation
b. Assemble rocker lever adjusting screws (14) and
a. Refer to figure 14-6. Position rocker lever assem
nuts (13) in rocker levers.
bly to cylinder head. Lubricate screws and washers
c. Coat rocker lever shaft with clean lubricating oil
with clean lubricating oil. Place washers (3, fig. 14-5)
and position rocker lever bracket (11) on shaft. One end
on screws (1) and (2) and install in head, snug
Figure 14-6.
b. Torque all cylinder head screws to 280-300
Screws securing the rocker assembly are part
ft-lb (380-407 N. m), 50 ft-lb (68 N. m)
of cylinder head screws.
increments. See figure 14-7 for torquing