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Carefully inspect all rollers, cages, and cups for wear,
Remove the bearings from the cleaning fluid and
chipping, or nicks to determine the fitness of bearings
strike the larger side of the cone flat against a block of
for further use. Do not replace a bearing cone or cup
wood to dislodge solidified particles of lubricant.
individually without replacing the mating cup or cone
Immerse again in cleaning fluid to flush out particles.
at the same time. After inspection, dip the bearings in
hydraulic fluid and wrap in a clean lintless cloth or
Repeat the above operation until the bearings are
paper to protect them until installed.
thoroughly clean. Dry the bearings using moisture-
free compressed air. Ensure the air stream is directed
across the bearing to avoid spinning. Do not spin the
Oil Seals, Gaskets, Etc.
bearings when drying. Bearing may be rotated
slowly by hand to facilitate the drying process.
Replacement of spring load oil seals, O-rings, metal
sealing rings, gaskets, and snap rings is more eco-
nomical when the unit is disassembled than a prema-
ture overhaul to replace these parts at a future time.
Further, loss of lubricant through a worn seal may
result in failure of other more expensive parts of the
assembly. Sealing members should be handled care-
Exercise care to avoid skin rashes,
fully, particularly when being installed. Cutting,
fire hazards, and inhalation of vapors
scratching, or curling under of the lip of a seal se-
when using solvent-type cleaners.
riously impairs its efficiency, Apply a thin coat of
Permatex No. 2 on the outer diameter of the oil seal to
assure an oil tight fit into the retainer. When assem-
Clean the interior and exterior of the housings, bear-
bling new metal type sealing rings, they should be
ing caps, etc., thoroughly. Cast parts may be cleaned
lubricated with a coat of chassis grease to stabilize
in hot solution tanks with mild alkali solutions provid-
the rings in their grooves for ease of assembly of the
ing these parts do not have ground or polished surfa-
mating members. Lubricate all O-rings and seals
ces. Parts should remain in the solution long enough
with hydraulic fluid before assembly,
to be thoroughly cleaned and heated. This will aid the
Parts cleaned in solution tanks must be thoroughly
rinsed with clean water to remove all traces of alkali.
If a magna-flux process is available, use the process
Cast parts may be cleaned with a steam cleaner.
to check the parts. Examine the teeth on all gears
carefully for wear, pitting, chipping, nicks, cracks, or
All parts cleaned must be thoroughly dried imme-
scores, If the gear teeth show spots where the case
diately by using moisture-free compressed air or soft,
hardening is worn through or cracked, replace it with
lintless absorbent wiping rags free of abrasive mate-
a new gear. Small nicks may be removed with a
rials such as metal filings, contaminated oil or lap-
suitable hone. Inspect the shafts and quills to ensure
ping compound.
they are not sprung bent, or the splines twisted, and
that the shafts are true.
Housings, Covers. Etc.
The importance of careful and thorough inspection of
all parts cannot be overstressed. The replacement of
Inspect the housings, covers, and bearing caps en-
all parts showing indication of wear or stress will
suring they are thoroughly cleaned and the mating
eliminate costly and avoidable failures at a later date.
surfaces, bearing bores, etc. are free from nicks or
burrs. Check all the parts carefully for evidence of
cracks or conditions which would cause subsequent
oil leaks or failures.