TM 10-1670-298-20&P
e. Remove M5 cartridge-actuated release assembly from cargo capsule.
The M5 cartridge-actuated release assembly must be replaced each time the cargo capsule is used.
Replace an unserviceable M5 assembly with a serviceable item from stock.
g. Point firing head of the M5 assembly toward nose of container and set assembly in place.
h. Pass front pin through front bracket and front block Into opposite side of front bracket.
Lock in front pin with a new cotter pin.
Place rear block in rear bracket and install rear pin through rear bracket and rear block through opposite side of
the rear bracket.
k. Lock In rear pin with a new cotter pin
DO NOT remove safety pin from M5 assembly when installing warning flag
Place red warning flag on safety pin.
m. Holding tail cone firmly in place, rotate forward nut against rear block without creating a space at the joint
between the tall cone and parachute compartment assembly.
DO NOT exceed this recommended torque value or the piston may separate from the cylinder, causing a malfunction of
the system.
n. Tighten aft nut against rear block to 50-pound-inches (5.648 newton-meters) torque.