Figure 64. Carrier engine oil pump assembly, removal and installation.
(4) Check the piston ring groove clearance.
gage and observe the scale reading.
The correct clearance for first ring is 0.004
to 0.006 inch, second, third, and fourth
(8) The proper scale reading is from 5 to 10
rings are 0.0015 to 0.0035 inch. Install the
pounds. Test the cylinder bore in several
piston rings on the piston and attempt to
slide the feeler gage in the groove
between the piston ring and piston land.
(9) The proper thickness of the rod bearings
is 0.0950 to 0.0955 inch. The wear limit is
(5) If the feeler gage will not slide in the
0.005 inch.
groove between the ring and land or if the
rings are sprung, distorted, or excessively
(10) Replace or repair all damaged or defective
worn, replace the rings.
matched sets.
(6) Fit the piston in the cylinder bore with an
0.008 inch feeler gage. Attach the feeler
Carrier Engine Connecting Rod and Piston
gage to a spring scales.
Assemblies Reassemblies and Installation
(7) Invert the piston and feeler gage over the
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the carrier engine
cylinder. Place the feeler gage and the
connecting rod and piston assemblies in the reverse of
piston in the cylinder. Withdraw the feeler
the numerical sequence as illustrated on figure 67.
TAGO 5030A