TM 5-3810-306-20WIPER ARM REPLACEMENTTOOLS:General mechanic’s tool kit: automotive (5180-00-177-7033)SUPPLIES:Lockwashers (Item 2, Appendix C)Lockwashers (Item 41, Appendix C)EQUIPMENT CONDITIONS: Disconnect ground cable at shunt. (Refer to page 8-109.)Cab front panel removed. (Refer to page 15-10.)REMOVAL:1.REMOVE WIPER ARM (1).a. Remove nut (2).b.Carefully remove wiper arm (1).2.REMOVE WIPER ARM DRIVE (16).a. Remove clip (3), washer (4) and lockwasher (5).Discard lockwasher (5).b. Remove clips (6) and pivot adapter (7)c. Remove adapter (8).d. Remove boots (9), nuts (10), washers (11),seals (12), screws (13) and lockwashers (14).Discard lockwashers (14). 3.e. Remove bushing (15) and wiper arm drive (16).3.INSPECT ALL PARTS FOR DAMAGE.INSTALLATION:1.INSTALL WIPER ARM DRIVE (16).a. Align wiper arm drive (16) and bushing (15).b.Install two screws (13), new lockwashers (14), seals(12), washers (11), nuts (10) and boots (9).c.Install adapter (8) and secure with clip (3), washer(4) and new lockwasher (5).15-43d.Install pivot adapter (7) and secure with clips (6).2.INSTALL WIPER ARM (1) AND SECURE. WITHNUT (2).3.CONNECT GROUND CABLE AT SHUNT. REFERTO PAGE 8-109.)4.CHECK WIPER FOR PROPER OPERATION.TM 5-3810-306-20 (REFER TO TM 5-3810-306-10.)5.INSTALL CAB FRONT PANEL. (REFER TO PAGE15-10.)DECAL REPLACEMENTEND OF TASK15-43
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