TM 5-3810-306-20DECAL REPLACEMENTTOOLS:General mechanic’s tool kit: automotive (5180-00-177-7033)SUPPLIES:NoneEQUIPMENT CONDITIONS: NoneREMOVAL:1.REMOVE DECAL.NOTESome decals are metal and rivetted,others are plastic self-adhesive.Refer to RPSTL for decal and location(TM 5-3810306-24P).a. Remove damaged decal by drilling out rivets orby carefully scraping decal with razor blade.2.CLEAN DECAL MOUNTING SURFACE.a. Wipe off decal mounting surface to removeresidue.b. Touch up painted surfaces as needed.INSTALLATION:1.INSTALL NEW DECAL.a. Peel off paper backing of self adhesive decals.b. Place new decal in original location. Press outair bubbles under decal.c. If installing metal decal(s), use pop rivet gun toinstall new decal in original location.END OF TASK15-45/15-46 Blank
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