TM 5-3810-206-35
(3) Lubricate shaft and position rings. Place
Lubrication, unless otherwise specified, should be clean,
clamp over turbine housing. Install bearing housing
light oil OE 10.
assembly over shaft and lower to assembly position. Do
not force; if rings do not enter bore easily remove
(1) Clamp turbine housing in vise or fixture.
housing and re-position rings on shaft.
Install nozzle ring in housing. Place turbine wheel and
shaft assembly with shaft upright in housing. Place
fig. 3-17) over flanges on
both housings. Apply graphite
base grease to clamp threads and face of nut. Install
shaft. Install a new piston seal, sliding seal over sleeve
into groove. Remove sleeve. Position OD of rings
concentric with shaft, and with gaps 180 apart.
aligning bolt holes as each part is assembled in following
(2) Sub-assemble bearing housing as follows:
(a) Lubricate and install bearing in
3-17) on
bearing housing. Install retaining ring in
with flat side of ring resting against back plate.
(b) Place spacer on bearing housing.
(c) Install thrust ring and spacer sleeve.
(d) Install thrust bearing with oil passage
ring facing upward.
Install bearing thrustwasher.
hole facing retainer spacer. Lubricate thrust face on
Lubricate and install bearing. Install two retaining rings
thrust bearing only.
with fiat side of rings facing bearings.
(e) Install thrust ring.
(f) Place oil deflector over thrust bearing.
Note. Use pliers to install retaining
(g) Install three lock plates and three
rings. Compress rings sufficiently to
capscrews. Torque capscrews to 5 ft-lb.
prevent their ends from scoring bore.
(h) Lock screws in place. Lockplate tangs
Make certain retaining rings are
must be locked tight against o.d. of oil deflector and
secure in grooves.
heads of capscrews.
Figure 3-17. Turbocharger details (sheet 9 of 10).