gives most efficient braking or clutching action when the
c. Replacing Old Linings. Support the band with the
control lever is engaged.
lining rivets to be removed lying over a hollow tube or
pipe. Working from the band side, remove the rivets with
Check band and drum for uneven
a punch and, detach the lining from the band. Clamp a
clearances, Insert a flat wedge with smooth
new piece of lining of the proper size, length, and thick-
surfaces between lining and the drum at the
ness to the band. Using the band hole as a guide, drill
point of drag. Operate the control lever and
lining holes with a hand drill. Countersink holes in lining
bend the band tightly over the wedge. If
to a depth of one-eighth inch less than the lining
necessary, use a mallet to achieve
thickness. Rivet the lining to band with a rivet press or
additional shaping of the band to remove
drift pin and rivet set, working from center of band out.
any high spots.
The lining must bed perfectly on the band. Bevel the
Breaking-in of a new lining can be speeded
edges and ends of the lining with a file. Check all rivet
up by purposely slipping the band until it
heads to make certain that none will contact the drum.
gets hot. Release the control lever and
The band is then installed on the assembly and shaped.
allow the band and lining to cool for at least
80 minutes before resuming operation.
d. Shaping. Shaping assures uniform clearance
between lining and drum at all points. Proper shaping
296. Crane Cab Assembly
Disconnect the master clutch linkage (para.
a. Removal.
Remove the crane boom attachment as
Remove the primary drive chain case
cover, drive chain, and drive gear (para.
Disconnect the control panel instruments
Remove the engine wiring harness (para.
Remove the crane cab assembly from the
b. Installation.
(10) Remove the crane engine assembly as
Install the crane cab assembly as illustrated
b. Installation.
Connect the control panel instruments and
Install the crane engine assembly as
Install the crane boom attachment as
Install the engine wiring harness (para.
297. Crane Engine Assembly
a. Removal.
Install the primary drive chain case cover,
Drain the cooling system.
Connect the master clutch linkage (para.
AGO 6819A