f. Inspect cylinder head surface for scratches,
3-48. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
etching or other damage. Resurface head or replace as
a. Clean all parts with an approved cleaning
permissible height after
,solvent and dry thoroughly.
resurfacing is 4.4650 inches.
b. Test cylinder head for leaks. Check carefully
around valve and injector seats for cracks.
3-49. Reassembly and Installation
Discard if cracked at seats.
c. Inspect cylinder head examining fuse plugs,
valve seats, and injectors sleeves for signs of
a. Reassembly.
overheating, looseners, excessive wear or other
reassemble the cylinder head assembly.
damage. Replace parts as necessary.
b. Installation.
(1) Install cylinder head assemblies as
(2) Torque the cylinder head bolts in
Cylinder heads are- equipped with fuse
plugs containing a metal-alloy center
of 30 to 40 ft-lbs. Final torque all cylinder head bolts to
that melts .' the engine is overheated.
230,240 ft-lbs.
Examine fuse plugs for signs of
(3) Install valve crossheads on guides as
overheating. If metal-alloy has melted,
as other engine disassembly proceeds,
(4) Install rocker levers, and injectors (para
check carefully for damage from
(5) Install intake and exhaust manifolds (para
d. Inspect valves for cupped, pitted or worn
condition. Replace or grind valves as necessary.
e. Inspect valve springs and valve guides for
excessive wear and replace defective parts. See table
3-51. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
3-50. Removal
a. Clean rubber damper exterior with a detergent.
Use of solvent of degreasing
of rubber in damper.
b. Inspect rubber damper for cracks, dents,
c. Damper hub inertia member are stamped with
an alinement mark to permit detection of relative
Figure 3-26. Vibration damper, removal and installation.