f. Reassemble connecting rod bolts, caps and nuts
as they are removed.
Bearing caps are not
Failure to remove bolts may permit bolt
head to catch on bottom of cylinder liner
g Tape bearing halves together and identify by
before all rings clear liner and cause
cylinder number as they are removed.
piston to lock in liner.
e Use a wooden stick and push piston and
connecting rod assembly out top of cylinder liner.
Figure 3-41. Carrier engine connecting rod, and piston assemblies, exploded view.
i Heat aluminum pistons in hot water to expand
f Check the piston for piston ring groove
pin bores. Push pin from piston by thumb pressure.
clearance. Hold new ring flush with piston land and
insert 0.006 inch feeler gage. If gage enters groove,
wear is excessive and piston mtust be replaced.
g Check piston ring gap by inserting each
compression ring in mating cylinder liner seating it
Driving pins from piston will distort bore
squarely with a piston head in an unworn surface of liner.
and. necessitate discarding piston.
h Measure ring gap with feeler gage. (Refer to
3-71. Cleaning and Inspection
i If necessary file ends of the rings to obtain
a Clean all parts with an approved cleaning solvent
minimum ring gap.
and dry thoroughly.
b Check connecting rods, caps and bolts by
magnetic inspection for cracks. If cracks are detected
Never file chrome plated piston rings.
replace rod and cap as an assembly.
c Check connecting rod piston pin bushing
diameter to see that it is within tolerance limits (table 1-
right angles to piston Din bore. (Refer to Table 1-1 for
d Check connecting rod alignment. (Refer to table
allowable wear limits and tolerances).
1-1 for tolerance and wear limits).
k Check piston pin bore and piston pin outside
e Inspect connecting rod bolts and bolt holes to
diameter. (Refer to Table 1-1 for allowable tolerances).
see that bolt heads rest squarely on milled surfaces of
rod. Discard all bolts and nuts that have distorted