CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONDESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USELIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURESLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - ContinuedFigure 2. Major Components.Figure 3. Major Components.Figure 4. Major Components.EQUIPMENT DATAEQUIPMENT DATA - ContinuedHydraulic SystemEQUIPMENT DATA - ContinuedEQUIPMENT DATA - ContinuedEQUIPMENT DATA - ContinuedEQUIPMENT DATA - ContinuedFigure 5. General Dimensions.Figure 6. General Dimensions.Figure 7. Radius from Centerline of Rotation.Figure 8. Crane Working Positions.Figure 11. Maximum Permissible Hoist Line Load.THEORY OF OPERATIONAXLESChapter 2. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEXTROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINETROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ENGINE - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - HYDRAULICSTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - HYDRAULICS - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - HYDRAULICS - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - SWING CIRCUITTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - SWING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - SWING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - SWING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - BOOM HOIST CIRCUITTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - BOOM HOIST CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - BOOM HOIST CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - BOOM EXTEND CIRCUITTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - BOOM EXTEND CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - BOOM EXTEND CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - OUTRIGGER CIRCUITTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - OUTRIGGER CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - OUTRIGGER CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - OUTRIGGER CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUITTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - STEERING CIRCUIT - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - PUMPSTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - PUMPS - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - PUMPS - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - PUMPS - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - PUMPS - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - RELIEF VALVESTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - RELIEF VALVES - Continued'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 173 of 1440'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 174 of 1440'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 175 of 1440'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 176 of 1440TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ELECTRICAL SYSTEMTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ANTI-TWO BLOCK SYSTEMTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ANTI-TWO BLOCK SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ANTI-TWO BLOCK SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ANTI-TWO BLOCK SYSTEM - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TRANSMISSIONTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TRANSMISSION - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TRANSMISSION - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TRANSMISSION - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TRANSMISSION - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TRANSMISSION - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TRANSMISSION - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - AXLE ASSEMBLYTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - AXLE ASSEMBLY - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - AXLE ASSEMBLY - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - WINCHTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - WINCH - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - WINCH - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - WINCH - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - WINCH - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - WINCH - ContinuedMSD-ICE TROUBLESHOOTING AND TEST PROCEDURECONTROL TESTSFigure 1. Remove Cap from DCA Receptacle.MSD-ICE TESTS - ContinuedMSD-ICE TESTS - ContinuedMSD-ICE TESTS - ContinuedFigure 2. Schematics and Diagrams.Chapter 3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURESPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS).Figure 1. Winch Lubrication Level Access Plug.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Figure 2. Air Cleaner Element Maintenance.Figure 3. Engine Oil and Filter Change.Figure 4. Fuel Tank Drain Plug.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Figure 5. Hydraulic Suction Filter Removal.Figure 6. Transmission Fluid Change.Figure 7. Check Antifreeze Concentration.Figure 8. Check Axle Differential and Hub Oil Levels.Figure 10. Check Fan Hub Bearing End Play.Figure 11. Winch Oil Change.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Figure 12. Add Hydraulic Oil.Figure 13. Bleed Air from Hydraulic Reservoir.Figure 14. Swing Reduction Unit Oil Change.Figure 15. Differential Oil Filter.Figure 16. Engine Coolant Change.Figure 17. Engine Coolant Change.Figure 18. Check Hydraulic Pressure Relief Valves.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Figure 19. Relief Valve Adjustment.Chapter 4. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSERVICE UPON RECEIPTGENERALFigure 1. Vehicle Check Points.POWER PACK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Power Pack Removal.Figure 2. Power Pack Removal.Figure 3. Power Pack Removal.Figure 5 Power Pack Removal.Figure 6. Power Pack Removal.Figure 7. Power Pack Removal.Figure 8. Power Pack Removal.Figure 9. Power Pack Removal.Figure 11. Power Pack Removal.Figure 13. Power Pack Removal.Figure 14. Power Pack Removal.Figure 15. Power Pack Removal.Figure 16. Transmission from Engine Removal.Figure 17. Transmission from Engine Removal.Figure 18. Transmission from Engine Removal.Figure 19. Transmission to Engine Installation.Figure 20. Transmission to Engine Installation.Figure 21. Transmission to Engine Installation.Figure 22. Transmission to Engine Installation.Figure 23. Power Pack Installation.Figure 24. Power Pack Installation.Figure 26. Power Pack Installation.Figure 28. Power Pack Installation.Figure 30. Power Pack Installation.Figure 32. Power Pack Installation.Figure 34. Power Pack Installation.Figure 36. Power Pack Installation.ENGINE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEENGINE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedENGINE MOUNT MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Engine Mount Installation.CYLINDER HEAD MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Cylinder Head Removal.Figure 2. Cylinder Head Removal.Figure 3. Cylinder Head Installation.Figure 4. Cylinder Head Installation.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT PULLEY MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Crankshaft Pulley Installation.FLYWHEEL AND FLYWHEEL HOUSING MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Flywheel Removal.Figure 3. Flywheel Installation.Figure 5. Flywheel Installation.Figure 6. Flywheel Installation.Figure 7. Flywheel Installation.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCEREAR CRANKSHAFT SEAL MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Rear Seal Removal.Figure 3. Rear Seal Removal.Figure 4. Rear Seal Installation.Figure 5. Rear Seal Installation.ROCKER LEVERS AND PUSH RODS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Cylinder Head Removal.Figure 3. Rocker Lever and Push Rods Disassembly.Figure 5. Rocker Lever and Push Rods Inspection.Figure 7. Rocker Lever and Push Rods Inspection.Figure 9. Rocker Lever and Push Rods Assembly.Figure 11. Cylinder Head Installation.ROCKER LEVERS AND PUSH RODS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFRONT GEAR COVER AND GASKET MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Tachometer Drive Removal.Figure 2. Front Cover Removal.Figure 3. Front Gear Train Installation.Figure 4. Front Cover Installation.Figure 5. Tachometer Drive Installation.TIMING PIN ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Timing Pin Assembly Removal.Figure 3. Timing Pin Assembly Installation.TAPPET COVER AND GASKET MAINTENANCETAPPET COVER AND GASKET MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Tappet Cover Installation.VALVE COVERS AND GASKET MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Valve Covers Installation.FRONT CRANKSHAFT SEAL MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Front Seal Removal.FRONT CRANKSHAFT SEAL MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Front Seal Installation.LUBE OIL COOLER AND FILTER HEAD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Lube Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 3. Lube Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 5. Lube Oil Cooler Disassembly.Figure 6. Lube Oil Cooler Inspection.Figure 7. Lube Oil Cooler Assembly.Figure 9. Lube Oil Cooler Installation.LUBE OIL COOLER AND FILTER HEAD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedLUBE OIL PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Lube Oil Pump Removal.Figure 3. Lube Oil Pump Installation.OIL PAN AND SUCTION TUBE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Oil Pan and Suction Tube Removal.Figure 2. Oil Pan and Suction Tube Removal.OIL PAN AND SUCTION TUBE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 3. Oil Pan and Suction Tube Installation.Figure 4. Oil Pan and Suction Tube Installation.OIL LEVEL GAGE MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Oil Level Gage Removal.Figure 3. Oil Level Gage Installation.OIL LEVEL GAGE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedINTAKE MANIFOLD COVER AND GASKET MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Manifold Cover Plate Installation.INTAKE MANIFOLD COVER AND GASKET MAINTENANCE - ContinuedEXHAUST MANIFOLD AND GASKETS MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Exhaust Manifold Removal.EXHAUST MANIFOLD AND GASKETS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFUEL INJECTOR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Injector Nozzles Removal.Figure 3. Lube Oil Injector Nozzles Installation.Figure 4. Injector Nozzles Installation.FUEL INJECTION PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Injection Pump Removal.Figure 2. Injection Pump Removal.Figure 4. Injection Pump Removal.Figure 6. Injection Pump Removal.Figure 7. Injection Pump Disassembly.Figure 8. Injection Pump Disassembly.Figure 10. Injection Pump Disassembly.Figure 12. Injection Pump Disassembly.Figure 14. Injection Pump Disassembly.Figure 15. Injection Pump Disassembly.Figure 17. Injection Pump Disassembly.Figure 18. Injection Pump Assembly.Figure 19. Injection Pump Assembly.Figure 20. Injection Pump Assembly.Figure 22. Injection Pump Assembly.Figure 24. Injection Pump Assembly.Figure 26. Injection Pump Assembly.Figure 28. Injection Pump Assembly.Figure 30. Injection Pump Installation.Figure 32. Injection Pump Installation.Figure 34. Injection Pump Installation.FUEL LIFT PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Lift Pump Removal.Figure 2. Lift Pump Installation.AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Air Cleaner Removal.Figure 2. Air Cleaner Removal.AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 3. Air Cleaner Maintenance.Figure 5. Air Cleaner Installation.FUEL TANK MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Fuel Tank Removal.Figure 3. Fuel Tank Disassembly.Figure 5. Fuel Tank Assembly.Figure 6. Fuel Tank Assembly.Figure 7. Fuel Tank Installation.Figure 8. Fuel Tank Installation.FUEL LINES MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Fuel Lines Removal.Figure 3. Fuel Lines Installation.Figure 5. Fuel Lines Installation.FUEL INJECTION TUBES MAINTENANCEFigure 1. High-Pressure Tubes Removal.Figure 2. High-Pressure Tubes Removal.Figure 3. High-Pressure Tubes Removal.Figure 4. Low-Pressure Tubes Removal.Figure 5. Low-Pressure Tubes Removal.Figure 6. Low-Pressure Tubes Removal.Figure 7. Fuel Drain Tubes Removal.Figure 8. Fuel Drain Tubes Removal.Figure 9. Fuel Drain Tubes Installation.Figure 10. Fuel Drain Tubes Installation.Figure 11. Low-Pressure Tubes Installation.Figure 12. Low-Pressure Tubes Installation.Figure 13. Low-Pressure Tubes Installation.Figure 14. High-Pressure Tubes Installation.Figure 15. High-Pressure Tubes Installation.FUEL FILTER HEAD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Fuel Filters and Head Assembly Maintenance.Figure 3. Fuel Filters and Head Assembly Installation.COLD START DEVICE MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Cold Start Device Removal.Figure 4. Cold Start Device Removal.Figure 5. Cold Start Device Installation.Figure 7. Cold Start Device Installation.Figure 8. Cold Start Device Installation.THROTTLE CONTROL MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Throttle Control Removal.Figure 3. Throttle Control Removal.Figure 5. Throttle Control Removal.Figure 6. Throttle Control Maintenance.Figure 7. Throttle Control Installation.Figure 8. Throttle Control Installation.Figure 10. Throttle Control Installation.Figure 11. Throttle Control Installation.Figure 12. Throttle Control Adjustment.THROTTLE CONTROL MAINTENANCE - ContinuedEXHAUST SYSTEM ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Exhaust System Removal.Figure 3. Exhaust System Maintenance.Figure 4. Exhaust System Installation.Figure 5. Exhaust System Installation.RADIATOR AND OIL COOLER MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 2. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 3. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 4. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 5. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 6. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 8. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 9. Radiator and Oil Cooler Removal.RADIATOR AND OIL COOLER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 10. Radiator and Air Cooler Assembly.Figure 11. Radiator and Air Cooler Installation.Figure 12. Radiator and Air Cooler Installation.Figure 13. Radiator and Air Cooler Installation.Figure 15. Radiator and Air Cooler Installation.Figure 16. Radiator and Air Cooler Installation.Figure 17. Radiator and Air Cooler Installation.Figure 19. Radiator and Air Cooler Installation.RADIATOR AND OIL COOLER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedDEFROSTER FAN MAINTENANCEDEFROSTER FAN MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Defroster Fan Maintenance.THERMOSTAT MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Thermostat Removal.Figure 3. Thermostat Installation.Figure 4. Thermostat Installation.WATER INLET CONNECTION MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Water Inlet Connection Removal.Figure 2. Water Inlet Connection Installation.WATER PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Water Pump Inspection.Figure 3. Water Pump Installation.FAN DRIVE BELT MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Fan Drive Belt Removal.Figure 2. Fan Drive Belt Installation.COOLING FAN AND HUB ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Fan Pulley Removal.Figure 4. Hub Assembly Disassembly.Figure 6. Roller Bearing Assembly.Figure 7. Hub Assembly Assembly.Figure 9. Fan Pulley Installation.COOLING FAN AND HUB ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedDRIVE BELT TENSIONER AND IDLER MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Drive Belt Tensioner Removal.Figure 2. Drive Belt Tensioner Installation.ALTERNATOR AND MOUNTING ASSEMBLY BRACKET MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Alternator and Mounting Bracket Assembly Removal.Figure 3. Alternator and Mounting Bracket Assembly Installation.ALTERNATOR AND MOUNTING ASSEMBLY BRACKET MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSTARTER MOTOR MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Starter Motor Assembly.STARTER MOTOR MAINTENANCE - ContinuedNEUTRAL SAFETY SWITCH AND BACKUP REVERSE WARNING SWITCH MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Warning Switches Maintenance.NEUTRAL SAFETY SWITCH AND BACKUP REVERSE WARNING SWITCH MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFUEL PRESSURE SWITCH AND TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCEFUEL PRESSURE SWITCH AND TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Fuel Pressure Switch and Transducer Installation.FUEL PRESSURE SWITCH AND TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedDASH PANEL GAGES AND SWITCHES MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Dash Panel Removal.Figure 2. Dash Panel Removal.Figure 4. Dash Panel Removal.Figure 5. Dash Panel Removal.Figure 6. Side Sloping Dash Panel Removal.Figure 7. Side Sloping Dash Panel Removal.Figure 8. Side Sloping Dash Panel Removal.Figure 9. Side Sloping Dash Panel Removal.Figure 10. Side Sloping Dash Panel Removal.Figure 11. Circuit Breaker Panel Removal.Figure 12. Tachometer and Turn Signal Removal.Figure 13. Right Console Removal.Figure 14. Right Console Removal.Figure 15. Right Console Removal.Figure 16. Tachometer and Turn Signal Installation.Figure 17. Circuit Breaker Panel Installation.Figure 18. Side Sloping Dash Panel Installation.Figure 19. Side Sloping Dash Panel Installation.Figure 20. Side Sloping Dash Panel Installation.Figure 21. Side Sloping Dash Panel Installation.Figure 22. Side Sloping Dash Panel Installation.Figure 23. Dash Panel Installation.Figure 25. Dash Panel Installation.Figure 26. Dash Panel Installation.Figure 27. Dash Panel Installation.Figure 28. Right Console Installation.Figure 29. Right Console Installation.Figure 30. Right Console Installation.FUEL PRESSURE SWITCH AND TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedANTI-TWO BLOCK CONTROL PANEL MAINTENANCEFUEL PRESSURE SWITCH AND TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Control Panel Maintenance.FUEL PRESSURE SWITCH AND TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFUEL PRESSURE SWITCH AND TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedVEHICLE BUBBLE LEVEL MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Vehicle Bubble Level Installation.VEHICLE BUBBLE LEVEL MAINTENANCE - ContinuedHORN MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Horn Installation.ELECTRICAL COLLECTOR RING MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Electrical Collector Ring Removal.Figure 2. Electrical Collector Ring Removal.Figure 3. Electrical Collector Ring Removal.Figure 4. Electrical Collector Ring Removal.Figure 5. Electrical Collector Ring Installation.Figure 6. Electrical Collector Ring Installation.Figure 7. Electrical Collector Ring Installation.Figure 8. Electrical Collector Ring Installation.ELECTRICAL COLLECTOR RING MAINTENANCE - ContinuedREAR LIGHTS MAINTENANCEREAR LIGHTS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Rear Lights Maintenance.FRONT LIGHTS AND BRACKETS MAINTENANCEREAR LIGHTS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Left Front Lights and Bracket Installation.REAR LIGHTS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Right Front Lights and Bracket Installation.REAR LIGHTS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedWORK LIGHTS MAINTENANCEREAR LIGHTS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Work Lights Maintenance.AXLE CENTERING LIGHT SWITCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Axle Centering Light Switch Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Axle Centering Light Switch Assembly Removal.Figure 3. Axle Centering Light Switch Assembly Installation.Figure 4. Axle Centering Light Switch Assembly Installation.Figure 5. Axle Centering Light Switch Assembly Adjustment.TACHOMETER ADJUSTMENTFigure 2. Tachometer Drive Removal.Figure 3. Tachometer Drive Installation.Figure 4. Tachometer Wiring Harness Installation.BATTERY ASSEMBLY AND CABLES MAINTENANCEBATTERY ASSEMBLY AND CABLES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Battery and Cables Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Battery and Cables Assembly Removal.Figure 3. Battery and Cables Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Battery and Cables Assembly Removal.Figure 5. Battery and Cables Assembly Removal.Figure 7. Battery and Cables Assembly Removal.Figure 8. Battery and Cables Assembly Installation.Figure 9. Battery and Cables Assembly Installation.Figure 10. Battery and Cables Assembly Installation.Figure 11. Battery and Cables Assembly Installation.Figure 12. Battery and Cables Assembly Installation.Figure 13. Battery and Cables Assembly Installation.Figure 14. Battery and Cables Assembly Installation.BATTERY BOX AND TOOLBOX WITH COVERS MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Battery Box and Toolbox Removal.Figure 3. Battery Box and Toolbox Installation.Figure 4. Battery Box and Toolbox Cover Installation.MAIN ENGINE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Main Engine Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 2. Main Engine Wiring Harness Installation.MAIN ENGINE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedCAB MAIN HARNESS MAINTENANCEMAIN ENGINE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Cab Main Harness Maintenance.MAIN ENGINE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBACKUP ALARM MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Back Up Alarm Removal.Figure 2. Back Up Alarm Installation.MSD-ICE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Main MSD-ICE Harness Installation.MSD-ICE WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBOOM WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 2. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 3. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 4. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 5. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 6. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 7. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 8. Boom Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 10. Boom Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 11. Boom Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 13. Boom Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 14. Boom Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 15. Boom Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 17. Boom Wiring Harness Installation.BOOM WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedMSD-ICE DCA CONNECTOR/RESISTOR MODULE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. MSD-ICE DCA Connector Resistor/Module Removal.Figure 2. MSD-ICE DCA Connector Resistor/Module Installation.TRANSMISSION DIPSTICK TUBE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Transmission Dipstick Tube Removal.Figure 2. Transmission Dipstick Tube Installation.TRANSMISSION SHIFT CONTROLS MAINTENANCETRANSMISSION SHIFT CONTROLS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Transmission Shift Controls Removal.TRANSMISSION SHIFT CONTROLS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Transmission Shift Controls Installation.TRANSMISSION CABLES MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Transmission Cable Removal.Figure 2. Transmission Cable Removal.Figure 4. Transmission Cable Removal.Figure 6. Transmission Cable Removal.Figure 7. Transmission Cable Installation.Figure 8. Transmission Cable Installation.Figure 10. Transmission Cable Installation.Figure 12. Transmission Cable Installation.TRANSMISSION CABLES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedTRANSMISSION CONTROLS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Transmission Controls Maintenance.Figure 2. Transmission Controls Maintenance.Figure 3. Transmission Controls Maintenance.TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCETRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedCHARGE PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Charge Pump Removal.Figure 2. Charge Pump Installation.CONTROL VALVE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Control Valve Disassembly.Figure 2. Control Valve Disassembly.Figure 3. Control Valve Disassembly.Figure 4. Control Valve Disassembly.Figure 5. Control Valve Disassembly.Figure 7. Control Valve Disassembly.CONTROL VALVE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 9. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 11. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 12. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 14. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 16. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 17. Control Valve Assembly.TRANSMISSION OIL AND FILTER ELEMENT MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Transmission Oil and Filter Element Removal.Figure 2. Transmission Oil and Filter Element Removal.Figure 3. Transmission Oil and Filter Element Installation.Figure 4. Transmission Oil and Filter Element Installation.PUMP ADAPTER MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Pump Adapter Removal.PUMP ADAPTER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Pump Adapter Installation.FRONT AND REAR DRIVESHAFT MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Front Driveshaft Removal.Figure 4. Front Driveshaft Disassembly.Figure 5. Front Driveshaft Assembly.Figure 7. Front Driveshaft Installation.Figure 9. Rear Driveshaft Removal.Figure 10. Rear Driveshaft Disassembly.Figure 11. Rear Driveshaft Assembly.Figure 12. Rear Driveshaft Installation.FRONT AXLE MAINTENANCEFRONT AND REAR DRIVESHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Front Axle Removal.FRONT AND REAR DRIVESHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Front Axle Installation.FRONT AND REAR DRIVESHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFRONT DIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFRONT AND REAR DRIVESHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Front Differential Removal.Figure 2. Front Differential Removal.Figure 3. Front Differential Installation.Figure 4. Front Differential Installation.Figure 5. Front Differential Installation.PLANETARY WHEEL END MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Planetary Wheel End Removal.Figure 2. Planetary Wheel End Removal.Figure 3. Planetary Wheel End Removal.Figure 5. Planetary Wheel End Removal.PLANETARY WHEEL END MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 7. Planetary Wheel End Maintenance.Figure 8. Planetary Wheel End Assembly.Figure 9. Planetary Wheel End Installation.Figure 11. Planetary Wheel End Installation.Figure 13. Planetary Wheel End Installation.PIVOT AND SPINDLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Pivot and Spindle Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Pivot and Spindle Assembly Removal.PIVOT AND SPINDLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 3. Pivot and Spindle Assembly Installation.Figure 4. Pivot and Spindle Assembly Installation.Figure 5. Pivot and Spindle Assembly Installation.PIVOT AND SPINDLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 6. Pivot and Spindle Assembly Installation.PIVOT BEARINGS (TYPE II) MAINTENANCEPIVOT BEARINGS (TYPE II) MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Pivot Bearings (Type II) Installation.CONSTANT-VELOCITY JOINT AND AXLE SHAFT MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Constant-Velocity Joint and Axle Shaft Removal.Figure 2. Constant-Velocity Joint and Axle Shaft Removal.Figure 3. Constant-Velocity Joint and Axle Shaft Maintenance.CONSTANT-VELOCITY JOINT AND AXLE SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 5. Constant-Velocity Joint and Axle Shaft Installation.REAR AXLE MAINTENANCECONSTANT-VELOCITY JOINT AND AXLE SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Rear Axle Removal.CONSTANT-VELOCITY JOINT AND AXLE SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Rear Axle Installation.REAR DIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECONSTANT-VELOCITY JOINT AND AXLE SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Rear Differential Assembly Removal.CONSTANT-VELOCITY JOINT AND AXLE SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Rear Differential Assembly Installation.CONSTANT-VELOCITY JOINT AND AXLE SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 4. Rear Differential Assembly Installation.PARKING BRAKE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Parking Brake Removal.Figure 3. Parking Brake Removal.Figure 5. Parking Brake Removal.Figure 6. Parking Brake Disassembly.Figure 7. Parking Brake Assembly.Figure 8. Parking Brake Installation.Figure 10. Parking Brake Installation.Figure 12. Parking Brake Installation.Figure 14. Parking Brake Installation.BRAKE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Brake Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Brake Assembly Removal.BRAKE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 4. Brake Assembly Installation.Figure 6. Brake Assembly Installation.Figure 7. Brake Assembly Installation.BRAKE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBRAKE BOOSTER VALVE/MASTER CYLINDER MAINTENANCEBRAKE BOOSTER VALVE/MASTER CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Brake Booster Valve/Master Cylinder Removal.Figure 3. Brake Booster Valve/Master Cylinder Removal.Figure 4. Brake Booster Valve/Master Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 6. Brake Booster Disassembly.Figure 8. Brake Booster Disassembly.BRAKE BOOSTER VALVE/MASTER CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 11. Brake Booster Assembly.Figure 13. Brake Booster Assembly.Figure 15. Brake Booster Assembly.Figure 17. Master Cylinder Installation.Figure 18. Master Cylinder Installation.BRAKE BOOSTER VALVE/MASTER CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedHYDRAULIC BRAKE LINES AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCEBRAKE BOOSTER VALVE/MASTER CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 3. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 4. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 5. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 7. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 8. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 9. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 10. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 11. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 12. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 14. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 15. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 16. Hydraulic Brake Lines and Fittings Installation.BRAKE BOOSTER VALVE/MASTER CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBRAKE PEDAL AND LINKAGE MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Brake Pedal and Linkage Removal.Figure 3. Brake Pedal and Linkage Installation.Figure 4. Brake Pedal and Linkage Installation.TIRES AND WHEELS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Tires and Wheels Removal.Figure 2. Tires and Wheels Disassembly.Figure 3. Tires and Wheels Assembly.Figure 4. Tires and Wheels Assembly.Figure 6. Tires and Wheels Installation.TIE ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Tie Rod Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Tie Rod Assembly Installation.Figure 3. Tie Rod Assembly Adjustment.GROUND DRIVEN STEERING PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Ground Driven Steering Pump Removal.Figure 2. Ground Driven Steering Pump Disassembly.Figure 4. Ground Driven Steering Pump Disassembly.Figure 6. Ground Driven Steering Pump Disassembly.Figure 8. Ground Driven Steering Pump Disassembly.GROUND DRIVEN STEERING PUMP MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 9. Ground Driven Steering Pump Assembly.Figure 10. Ground Driven Steering Pump Assembly.Figure 12. Ground Driven Steering Pump Assembly.Figure 14. Ground Driven Steering Pump Assembly.Figure 15. Ground Driven Steering Pump Assembly.Figure 16. Ground Driven Steering Pump Installation.STEERING CONTROL UNIT MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Steering Control Removal.Figure 2. Steering Control Disassembly.STEERING CONTROL UNIT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 3. Steering Control Assembly.Figure 4. Steering Control Installation.STEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCESTEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Steering System Hydraulic Hoses Removal.STEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Steering System Hydraulic Hoses Installation.STEERING CYLINDERS MAINTENANCESTEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Steering Cylinders Removal.Figure 2. Steering Cylinders Installation.STEERING SELECTOR VALVE MAINTENANCESTEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Steering Selector Valve Removal.STEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Steering Selector Valve Installation.Figure 3. Steering Selector Valve Installation.STEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFLOW DIVIDER AND STEERING VALVE MAINTENANCESTEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Flow Divider and Steering Valve Removal.Figure 2. Flow Divider and Steering Valve Installation.STEERING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC HOSES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedHOOK BLOCK TIEBACK MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Hook Block Tieback Removal.Figure 2. Hook Block Tieback Installation.HOOK BLOCK TIEBACK MAINTENANCE - ContinuedPINTLE HOOK MAINTENANCEHOOK BLOCK TIEBACK MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Pintle Hook Maintenance.CAB DOOR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Cab Door Removal.Figure 2. Cab Door Removal.Figure 4. Cab Door Removal.Figure 6. Cab Door Removal.Figure 8. Cab Door Installation.Figure 9. Cab Door Installation.Figure 11. Cab Door Installation.Figure 12. Cab Door Installation.ENGINE HOOD AND GRILLE GUARD MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Grille Guard Removal.Figure 2. Engine Hood Removal.Figure 3. Engine Hood Disassembly.Figure 4. Engine Hood Assembly.Figure 5. Engine Hood Installation.Figure 6. Grille Guard Installation.CAB ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Cab Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Fire Extinguisher Removal.Figure 3. Floormats Removal.Figure 4. Cab Assembly Disassembly.CAB ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 5. Cab Assembly Assembly.Figure 6. Floormats Installation.Figure 7. Fire Extinguisher Installation.Figure 8. Cab Assembly Installation.CAB ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedHOOD SUPPORT MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Hood Support Removal.Figure 2. Hood Support Installation.Figure 3. Hood Support Installation.HOOD SUPPORT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFENDERS MAINTENANCEHOOD SUPPORT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Fender Maintenance.DECK PLATES MAINTENANCEHOOD SUPPORT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Deck Plates Maintenance.OUTRIGGER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEOUTRIGGER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Outrigger Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Outrigger Assembly Assembly.Figure 3. Outrigger Assembly Assembly.Figure 4. Outrigger Assembly Installation.OUTRIGGER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSEAT AND SEAT BELT MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Seat Belt Removal.Figure 2. Seat Removal.Figure 3. Seat Installation.Figure 4. Seat Belt Installation.WINCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Winch Removal.Figure 2. Winch Disassembly.Figure 3. Hydraulic Hose Disassembly.Figure 6. Sun Primary Gear Disassembly.Figure 7. Seal and Ball Bearing Disassembly.Figure 9. Sun Output Gear Disassembly.Figure 11. Snap Ring Disassembly.Figure 12. Drum Disassembly.Figure 13. Seal and Bearing Disassembly.Figure 14. Base Positioning Assembly.Figure 15. Drum Assembly.Figure 16. Drum Assembly.Figure 18. Bearing Support Fasteners Assembly.Figure 19. Snap Ring Assembly.Figure 21. Output Planet Carrier Assembly.Figure 23. Bearing and Seal Assembly.Figure 25. Sun Primary Gear Assembly.Figure 26. Brake Cylinder Assembly Assembly.Figure 28. Brake Clutch Assembly Assembly.Figure 29. Motor Installation Assembly.Figure 30. Oil Fill Assembly.Figure 31. Winch Installation.WINCH MOTOR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 3. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 5. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 7. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 9. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 11. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 13. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 15. Winch Motor Disassembly.Figure 16. Winch Motor Assembly.Figure 18. Winch Motor Assembly.Figure 20. Winch Motor Assembly.Figure 22. Winch Motor Assembly.Figure 24. Winch Motor Assembly.Figure 26. Winch Motor Assembly.Figure 28. Winch Motor Assembly.Figure 30. Winch Motor Assembly.WINCH BRAKE VALVE MAINTENANCEWINCH BRAKE VALVE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Winch Brake Valve Maintenance.WINCH BRAKE VALVE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Winch Brake Valve Maintenance.WINCH BRAKE VALVE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedWINCH CONTROL VALVE AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCEWINCH CONTROL VALVE AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Winch Control Valve Installation.Figure 2. Winch Control Valve Test and Adjustment.Figure 3. Winch Control Valve Test and Adjustment.Figure 4. Winch Control Valve Test and Adjustment.Figure 5. Winch Control Valve Test and Adjustment.WINCH CONTROL VALVE AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedVALVE CONTROL, BOOM HOIST, EXTEND, AND WINCH CABLES MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Valve Control Cable Removal.Figure 2. Valve Control Cable Removal.Figure 3. Valve Control Cable Removal.Figure 4. Swing and Outrigger Cable Removal.Boom Hoist, Extend, And Winch CableFigure 5. Boom Hoist, Extend, and Winch Cable Removal.Figure 6. Boom Hoist, Extend, and Winch Cable Installation.Figure 7. Swing and Outrigger Cable Installation.Figure 8. Valve Control Cables Installation.Figure 9. Valve Control Cables Installation.Figure 10. Valve Control Cables Installation.Figure 11. Cables Adjustment.MIRROR MAINTENANCEValve Control Cables Figure 1. Mirror Maintenance.WINDSHIELD WIPER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Windshield Wiper Removal.Figure 2. Windshield Wiper Removal.Figure 3. Windshield Wiper Removal.Figure 4. Windshield Wiper Removal.WINDSHIELD WIPER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 5. Windshield Wiper Removal and Installation.Figure 6. Windshield Wiper Installation.Figure 7. Windshield Wiper Installation.Figure 8. Windshield Wiper Installation.Figure 9. Windshield Wiper Installation.HEATER MAINTENANCEHEATER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Heater Removal.Figure 3. Heater Removal.Figure 5. Heater Removal.Figure 7. Heater Disassembly.Figure 8. Heater Disassembly.Figure 9. Heater Disassembly.Figure 10. Heater Assembly.Figure 11. Heater Assembly.Figure 13. Heater Installation.Figure 15. Heater Installation.Figure 17. Heater Installation.MARKING DECALS MAINTENANCEMARKING DECALS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Main Hydraulic Pump Removal.MAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Main Hydraulic Pump Installation.MAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP MAINTENANCE - ContinuedROTARY MANIFOLD MAINTENANCEROTARY MANIFOLD MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Rotary Manifold Removal.Figure 2. Rotary Manifold Removal.Figure 3. Rotary Manifold Removal.Figure 4. Rotary Manifold Removal.Figure 5. Rotary Manifold Disassembly.ROTARY MANIFOLD MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 6. Rotary Manifold Assembly.Figure 7. Rotary Manifold Installation.Figure 8. Rotary Manifold Installation.Figure 9. Rotary Manifold Installation.Figure 10. Rotary Manifold Installation.Figure 11. Rotary Manifold Installation.ROTARY MANIFOLD MAINTENANCE - ContinuedOUTRIGGER SOLENOID VALVE MAINTENANCEOUTRIGGER SOLENOID VALVE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Outrigger Solenoid Valve Removal.Figure 3. Outrigger Solenoid Valve Disassembly.Figure 5. Outrigger Solenoid Valve Disassembly.Figure 6. Outrigger Solenoid Valve Assembly.Figure 7. Outrigger Solenoid Valve Assembly.Figure 9. Outrigger Solenoid Valve Assembly.Figure 10. Outrigger Solenoid Valve Installation.AXLE LOCKOUT VALVE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Axle Lockout Valve Removal.AXLE LOCKOUT VALVE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Axle Lockout Valve Installation.Figure 3. Axle Lockout Valve Adjustment.BOOM HOIST, WINCH, AND OUTRIGGER VALVE CONTROLS MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Boom Hoist, Winch, and Outrigger Valve Controls Removal.Figure 3. Boom Hoist, Winch, and Outrigger Valve Controls Disassembly.BOOM HOIST, WINCH, AND OUTRIGGER VALVE CONTROLS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 4. Boom Hoist, Winch, and Outrigger Valve Controls Assembly.Figure 5. Boom Hoist, Winch, and Outrigger Valve Controls Installation.Figure 6. Boom Hoist, Winch, and Outrigger Valve Controls Installation.SWING/TELESCOPE VALVE CONTROLS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Swing/Telescope Valve Controls Removal.Figure 2. Swing/Telescope Valve Controls Removal.Figure 3. Swing/Telescope Valve Controls Disassembly.Figure 4. Swing/Telescope Valve Controls Assembly.Figure 5. Swing/Telescope Valve Controls Installation.Figure 6. Swing/Telescope Valve Controls Installation.UPPER HYDRAULICS LINE MAINTENANCEUPPER HYDRAULICS LINE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Upper Hydraulics Line Removal.UPPER HYDRAULICS LINE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Upper Hydraulics Line Installation.LOWER BOOM, SWING, AND WINCH HYDRAULIC LINES MAINTENANCELOWER BOOM, SWING, AND WINCH HYDRAULIC LINES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Lower Boom, Swing, and Winch Hydraulic Lines Removal.LOWER BOOM, SWING, AND WINCH HYDRAULIC LINES MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Lower Boom, Swing, and Winch Hydraulic Lines Installation.RETURN AND PRESSURE HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCERETURN AND PRESSURE HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Return and Pressure Hydraulics Removal.Figure 2. Return and Pressure Hydraulics Installation.RETURN AND PRESSURE HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedOUTRIGGER HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCEOUTRIGGER HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Outrigger Hydraulics Removal.OUTRIGGER HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Outrigger Hydraulics Installation.SUCTION HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCESUCTION HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Suction Hydraulics Removal.SUCTION HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Suction Hydraulics Installation.ROTARY MANIFOLD QUICK DISCONNECTS (TYPE II) MAINTENANCEROTARY MANIFOLD QUICK DISCONNECTS (TYPE II) MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Removal.Figure 2. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Removal.Figure 3. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Removal.Figure 4. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Removal.Figure 5. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Installation.Figure 6. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Installation.Figure 7. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Installation.Figure 8. Rotary Manifold Quick Disconnects (Type II) Installation.ROTARY MANIFOLD QUICK DISCONNECTS (TYPE II) MAINTENANCE - ContinuedHYDRAULIC SYSTEM VALVE BANK MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Hydraulic System Valve Bank Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic System Valve Bank Installation.OTHER MAINTENANCEFigure 3. Hydraulic System Valve Bank Adjustment.RELIEF VALVE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Relief Valve Removal.Figure 2. Relief Valve Installation.Figure 3. Relief Valve Adjustment.Figure 4. Relief Valve Adjustment.RETURN FILTER MAINTENANCERETURN FILTER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Return Filter Removal.Figure 2. Return Filter Installation.RETURN FILTER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBOOM HOIST CYLINDER MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Boom Hoist Cylinder Removal.Figure 2. Boom Hoist Cylinder Removal.Figure 3. Boom Hoist Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 5. Boom Hoist Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 6. Boom Hoist Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 7. Boom Hoist Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 8. Boom Hoist Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 9. Boom Hoist Cylinder Assembly.Figure 10. Boom Hoist Cylinder Assembly.Figure 11. Boom Hoist Cylinder Assembly.BOOM HOIST CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 13. Boom Hoist Cylinder Installation.Figure 14. Boom Hoist Cylinder Installation.BOOM HOIST CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBOOM EXTEND CYLINDER MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Boom Extend Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 3. Boom Extend Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 4. Boom Extend Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 5. Boom Extend Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 6. Boom Extend Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 8. Boom Extend Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 10. Boom Extend Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 11. Boom Extend Cylinder Assembly.Figure 12. Boom Extend Cylinder Assembly.Figure 14. Boom Extend Cylinder Assembly.Figure 15. Boom Extend Cylinder Assembly.Figure 16. Boom Extend Cylinder Assembly.Figure 17. Boom Extend Cylinder Assembly.BOOM EXTEND CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedOUTRIGGER CYLINDER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Outrigger Cylinder Removal.Figure 2. Outrigger Cylinder Removal.Figure 3. Outrigger Cylinder Removal.Figure 4. Outrigger Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 5. Outrigger Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 6. Outrigger Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 8. Outrigger Cylinder Disassembly.Figure 9. Outrigger Cylinder Assembly.Figure 10. Outrigger Cylinder Assembly.Figure 11. Outrigger Cylinder Assembly.Figure 13. Outrigger Cylinder Assembly.Figure 14. Outrigger Cylinder Installation.Figure 15. Outrigger Cylinder Installation.Figure 16. Outrigger Cylinder Installation.AXLE LOCKOUT CYLINDER MAINTENANCEAXLE LOCKOUT CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Axle Lockout Cylinder Removal.Figure 2. Axle Lockout Cylinder Removal.Figure 3. Axle Lockout Cylinder Installation.Figure 4. Axle Lockout Cylinder Installation.AXLE LOCKOUT CYLINDER MAINTENANCE - ContinuedHYDRAULIC RESERVOIR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Hydraulic Reservoir Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Reservoir Removal.Figure 4. Hydraulic Reservoir Removal.Figure 5. Hydraulic Reservoir Installation.Figure 6. Hydraulic Reservoir Installation.Figure 7. Hydraulic Reservoir Installation.HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBOOM ANGLE INDICATOR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Boom Angle Indicator Removal.Figure 2. Boom Angle Indicator Installation.HOOK BLOCK MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Hook Block Disassembly.Figure 2. Hook Block Disassembly.HOOK BLOCK MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 3. Hook Block Assembly.Figure 4. Hook Block Assembly.BOOM ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Boom Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Boom Assembly Removal.Figure 3. Boom Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Boom Assembly Removal.Figure 5. Boom Assembly Removal.Figure 6. Boom Assembly Disassembly.Figure 8. Boom Assembly Disassembly.Figure 10. Boom Assembly Disassembly.Figure 11. Boom Assembly Disassembly.Figure 12. Boom Assembly Disassembly.Figure 14. Boom Assembly Disassembly.Figure 16. Boom Assembly Disassembly.BOOM ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 17. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 19. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 20. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 21. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 22. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 23. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 24. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 26. Boom Assembly Assembly.Figure 28. Boom Assembly Installation.Figure 29. Boom Assembly Installation.Figure 30. Boom Assembly Installation.Figure 31. Boom Assembly Installation.Figure 32. Boom Assembly Installation.BOOM ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBOOM WORK LIGHT BRACKET MAINTENANCEUPPERSTRUCTURE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Upperstructure Removal.Figure 2. Upperstructure Removal.UPPERSTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 3. Upperstructure Removal.Figure 4. Swing Bearing Assembly Removal.UPPERSTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 5. Swing Bearing Assembly Installation.Figure 6. Upperstructure Installation.Figure 7. Upperstructure Installation.Figure 8. Upperstructure Installation.Figure 9. Upperstructure Installation.MAST ASSEMBLY (TYPE II) MAINTENANCEMAST ASSEMBLY (TYPE II) MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Mast Assembly Maintenance.SWING MOTOR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Swing Motor Removal.Figure 2. Swing Motor Disassembly.Figure 4. Swing Motor Disassembly.Figure 6. Swing Motor Disassembly.Figure 8. Swing Motor Disassembly.Figure 9. Swing Motor Assembly.Figure 10. Swing Motor Assembly.Figure 12. Swing Motor Assembly.Figure 13. Swing Motor Assembly.Figure 14. Swing Motor Assembly.Figure 15. Swing Motor Installation.SWING GEARBOX MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Swing Gearbox Removal.Figure 2. Swing Gearbox Disassembly.Figure 3. Swing Gearbox Cover Disassembly.Figure 5. Swing Gearbox Bearing Retainer Disassembly.Figure 6. Swing Gearbox Disassembly.Figure 7. Swing Gearbox Disassembly.Figure 8. Swing Gearbox Output Shaft Disassembly.Figure 9. Swing Gearbox Bearing Cups Disassembly.Figure 11. Swing Gearbox Vent Plug and Grease Fitting Assembly.Figure 12. Swing Gearbox Bearing Cups Assembly.Figure 13. Swing Gearbox Assembly.Figure 15. Swing Gearbox Assembly.Figure 16. Swing Gearbox Assembly.Figure 17. Swing Gearbox Bearing Retainer Assembly.Figure 18. Swing Gearbox Bearing Retainer Assembly.Figure 20. Swing Gearbox Drain Plugs Assembly.Figure 22. Swing Gearbox Installation.SWING GEARBOX MAINTENANCE - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFLUID DISPOSALGENERAL WIRING HARNESS AND CABLE MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Electrical Harness Identification.Figure 2. Electrical Harness Identification.Figure 3. Electrical Harness Disassembly.Figure 4. Electrical Harness Disassembly.Figure 5. Electrical Harness Disassembly.Figure 6. Electrical Harness Disassembly.Figure 7. Electrical Harness Disassembly.Figure 8. Electrical Harness Disassembly.Figure 9. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 10. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 12. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 13. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 14. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 15. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 16. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 17. Electrical Harness Assembly.Figure 18. Electrical Harness Assembly.PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT AND STORAGESHORT TERM STORAGE (30 DAYS OR LESS) LONG TERM STORAGE (MORE THAN 30 DAYS) - ContinuedLONG TERM STORAGE (MORE THAN 30 DAYS) - ContinuedRESTORING ENGINE TO SERVICERESTORING TRANSMISSION TO SERVICE - ContinuedTORQUE LIMITSHOW TO USE TORQUE LIMIT TABLESFigure 1. English Capscrew Heads.Figure 3. Metric Fastener Markings.How Adapters Affect Torque LimitsFigure 5. Fastener Indented Markings.Table 1. Engine Fastener Torque Values.Table 2. Transmission Fastener Torque Values.Table 2. Transmission Fastener Torque Values. - ContinuedTable 3. All Other Fasteners Except Engine and Transmission English (in.) Measurement Torque ValuesTable 3. All Other Fasteners Except Engine and Transmission English (in.) Measurement Torque Values - ContinuedTable 4. All Other Fasteners Except Engine and Transmission English (in.) Measurement Torque ValuesTable 5. Torque Limits for Dry Fasteners.Table 6. Torque Limits for Wet Fasteners.Table 6. Torque Limits for Wet Fasteners. - ContinuedDIAGRAMSChapter 5. SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCESREFERENCES - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - ContinuedEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MACEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REMARKSMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - Continued.Table 2. Tools and Test Equipment.EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - Continued.Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - Continued.Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - Continued.Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - Continued.TOOL IDENTIFICATION LISTTable 1. Tool Identification List - Continued.Table 1. Tool Identification List - Continued.Table 1. Tool Identification List - Continued.MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LISTTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - ContinuedTable 1. Mandatory Replacement Parts List for the Crane, Wheel Mounted 7.5 Ton - Continued